The Problem With Red Carpets & Why They're So Outdated
I've done my fair share of covering red carpets. Movie premieres, award shows, you name it.
When I first started out working in media and the wonderful world of entertainment news, I loved every second of it. There's a certain indescribable rush you feel when you get that quote that was needed to make your package complete or when you really lock in an exclusive. Not to mention, it's always amazing (?) to finally come face to face with artists, actors and celebs that you've looked up to or admired for years. Well, for the most part. For a girl coming from small-town Pennsylvania, I never could've dreamed of being in the same vicinity of such stars.
But, as the story goes for most things in this town, everything isn't always as it seems.
Just this past year, Miley Cyrus made a pretty profound statement about red carpets and her decision to never walk one ever again.
“[A year ago] I had to do the [A Very Murray Christmas] premiere, and I will never do a red carpet again. Why, when people are starving, am I on a carpet that’s red? Because I’m ‘important’? Because I’m ‘famous’? That’s not how I roll. It’s like a skit—it’s like Zoolander. ”
A lot of people don't believe that she will remain true to her word, but I do. Here's why.
There's a lot that happens on red carpets that you don't see and believe me -- it's not all that glamorous.
I'm talking about waiting around for hours in sometimes 90 degree weather, being allotted literally one-foot of space width-wise (if you're lucky), and dealing with publicists who think they're doing their celeb client a favor by cutting your interview short. There's also the fact that many times, the big names don't even stop for many interviews (if any at all), making your time on the carpet less than worth it.
I also can't forget to mention those times when you finally snag that celeb you'd been waiting all night for in front of your mic, only to be greeted with a generic answer or obviously rehearsed statement from their rep or manager. Talk about a certain brand of disappointment -- my fellow reporters can relate to this, I'm sure.
Trust me, I get the frustration with the whole production that is a red carpet... and honestly, I don't miss covering them like I used to.
Red carpets aren't just rough on the media, though, but on celebrities, as well. Until you've seen photographers scream at stars to "turn to the left" or "blow a kiss," you might not ever be able to truly understand what they're faced with. Sure, "it comes with the territory," but does it really? And if so, to what extent?
Is a red carpet now becoming an antiquated Old Hollywood tradition? Is it time for something else we can do to promote an industry event? Or am I just jaded?
I'm not entirely knocking the idea of a red carpet, but what I am saying is... there's got to be a better way.
But hey, maybe it's just me.